
Recovery is a lifelong commitment, and therefore you might be in need of supportive counseling, you might be curious about substance abuse treatment and you might need assistance with referrals. You might be interested in discussing 12 step recovery, SMART recovery, sober living, peer counseling, etc. and I am here to discuss it with you. I […]

Family therapy is an opportunity for family members to discover perspectives other than their own. This opportunity can assist family members understand how they are interacting with one another and what they could do to make improvements with their communication, establish and maintain boundaries, obtain a deeper respect for each other and ultimately make gains […]

On a lot of therapists websites you will see them mention “Communication” as being a big factor between couples. They’re not wrong. The avenues taken can be many. When couples come to therapy often they are experiencing some of the following: communication, financial, trust, family, blended family, inter-racial, inter-faith, respect and intimacy among others. The […]

Everyone deserves a chance to feel better. Entering individual therapy for yourself is perhaps the most personal journey on which you can embark. Doing the work in therapy can help educate yourself on the subject of you. Therefore, by learning more about yourself can help provide more room for you to navigate and experience growth […]